The Tale of the Clepto Kitty
Let me tell you a story about my little kitty cat thief!
The day before yesterday we were trimming the hair off of Diva's pregnant belly so that I could check to see when her milk comes in easier. Our tools were a set of electric trimmers and a pair of grooming scissors. Both were sitting by my side. However, we got distracted while using the trimmers. I set the small set of scissors beside of me while my hubby shaved her and I held her.
Dolly walks up next to me, loving me up. I heard a small clinking sound but ignored it because I was focusing on Diva. Well, I hear the clink gain and happen to look up to see Dolly scooting it across the floor like it was a cat toy.
We were almost done with Diva so I let her play, thinking she would keep them right there. But no! When we were finished the scissors had disappeared and so had Dolly! I found her in the bathroom coming out of the litter box. So, I assumed they were in there and I checked. Nope. Not in the living room. Not under the rugs. Not under the tables or couches. Not even in the cat tree.
They remained MIA until this morning. I got up to get the boys ready for school and they were laying in the middle of the living room floor in the original place that I saw her with them to begin with!
I still have no idea where she had it hid! Little sneaky thief!
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